Miscellaneous Ramblings

Granny turned 90 years old this past October 23 (and the first frost still hasn't hit yet, Grandpa!). We all gathered at my Uncle Kenny's house for the party.

It was good to see all of the families again, including some of Granny's old friends from her Riches days. We started out with a huge feast, and in true family tradition, the kids ate in the side room (grin!).

After the food, Granny opened her gifts, along with help from some of the kids.


After a rousing round of 'Happy Birthday,' Granny cut the beautiful cake that Lorretta Stembridge made 'all by herself.'

We all love Granny very much, and had a great time (I think she did to!). Here's Granny with her 'children.' Counting grandkids, great grandkids and spouses, she had 18 decendants at the party - her legacy...

Happy birthday, Granny!